Many benefits for a price that students can afford.
We check all completed papers three times, after writing, editing, and proofreading, with reliable plagiarism detection software to ensure they do not contain any plagiarism. We strictly enforce our anti-plagiarism policies. Each paper that we write is original and completely customized.
You can count on our experts for professional writing help on more than 100+ subjects regardless of your level of education. Law, Nursing, Management, Accounting, Marketing, Engineering, Programming, etc. are among the specialties we have in-house.
We offer premium service at the best price in the market. Our best price guarantee ensures that none of the competitors will be able to match our features.
When it comes to deadlines and completing assignments on time, we never compromise. In order for you to proofread your paper before handing it over to your tutor, our writers make sure that all orders are submitted prior to the deadline.
We value your privacy and we make sure that your assignment is never shared outside our internal team and your personal information always remains private.
In a few hours, we can complete urgent assignments of the highest quality. We never compromise on quality even with short deadlines. All the assignments we write are plagiarism-free and delivered on time.
Submit all the information about your assignment such as PDF, instructions, notes and resources that are required for completing the assignment.
Once we receive your assignment request, we will review your assignment and provide you with a guaranteed delivery date. If we don't complete your assignment on time, we refund your money back and 1 free assignment in future.
Whenever you're ready, you are required to make a payment. The amount depends on the type of assignment and works to be done. We accept all digital payment options such as Credit, Debit and Google Pay.
Our assignment expert will start working on your assignment after we receive your payment. If we require any information from you, we will send your an email or contact you on a phone if you missed the email.
When we have completed your assignment and are ready for your review, we will send you an email confirmation. At this point, you may request any modifications in your assignment or mark it as complete to release payment to the expert.
Our experts have a team of fully qualified and experienced proofreaders and editors who ensure that the writings are of high quality. For us, quality is defined by plagiarism-free content, custom-written content, no spelling mistakes, no grammatical errors, or punctuation errors. The papers we prepare for you are flawless, well-referenced, styled, and cite sources correctly.
We will provide you five times of amendments if our experts are unable to meet the quality standard. This means we will rewrite and edit it for free. Nevertheless, if it still doesn't meet your expectations after 5 attempts, we will refund the full amount to your bank account.
In case if we are not able to complete your assignment on time or if you receive grades below 65%, we will refund 100% of the money directly to your bank account. This situation has never occurred and we always have our assignment graded above 70%.
Never. You should never be concerned with plagiarism in your assignments. With the tools and systems we have in place, we ensure that all assignments are plagiarism-free. Moreover, your work is subjected to a number of quality checks before submission. By comparing the work that was done in the past, and by using online sources, and by using university repositories, these quality checking stages are accomplished. For plagiarism checking, Turnitin and Safe Assign are used. In some universities, plagiarism percentages must be less than 15%. Still, our experts strive to maintain a plagiarism rate of less than 5% or 10%. Some students receive 0% plagiarism papers.